When it comes to debt it is always much easier to rack it up then it is to pay it off. The idea of buy now, pay later seems more appealing then spending your own cash. We had to change the way we looked at credit, debt and change our spending habits. So this year has been ALL about paying off our debt and becoming financially independent.
Phones have connected to us to so many things from showing us directions if we get lost to connecting us…
Welcome back my crafting beauties! I am very excited to share this DIY project with you all. With only a few supplies, including the $5 marble contact paper start. I completely changed the look of this desk.
When you start to analyze your debt and want to take the first step to financial freedom. There is one…
Who doesn’t want more money in their pockets?! Amirite? That is what being frugal is all about. I started living…
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