Flowers are always a beautiful way to decorate and bring color to any party or occasion. I’ve made paper flowers before but this was my first time making tissue paper flowers. And I absolutely love the way they turned out and it was SUPER EASY.
So if you are looking for an easy way to make tissue paper flowers for your next party you came to the right place. I will also be sharing how I made over an old glass vase to display my beautiful flowers in.
I hope you enjoy this tutorial and if you do don’t forget to share. Sharing is caring!
20″ x 20″ Tissue paper – I got mine from my local Dollar Tree
2.5” hole punch or scissors
Hot Glue/ Glue sticks
Luckily the only thing that I purchased for this DIY was the tissue paper. Being an avid crafter I already had most of the things to make these. But if you don’t no worries most of these things you can get at the dollar store.
Start by choosing 3- 4 pieces of tissue paper, you can pick all the same color or try different combinations. Stack and align your tissue paper as much as possible. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect.
Fold hotdog style and cut along the edge so you have 6 –10″ x 20″ pieces.
Fold in 1″ strips in an accordion like style. Use a paperclip to clip in the center to hold your flower to cut the pedals.
Cut the pedals in any way you would like. You can do a round, pointy or even a scalloped pedal to give you different looks.
After you cut your pedals fold in half and take out the paperclip. This will give you a good indication of the center.
Staple in the center of your flower.
Next take each single layer of tissue paper and bring up to start forming your flower. Pull up carefully so you do not tear the tissue paper.
Once you have pulled up each sheet make any adjustments you feel necessary to form your flower.
For the stem I used I used some old baby shower straws that I had on hand. Using the green tissue paper I rolled up each straw and taped together to make it look more like a stem. If you have green straws or pipe cleaners you could skip this step.
Next I took a 2.5” punch that I had and punched out some circles for my flowers. If you don’t have a hole punch simply cut a circle from your cardstock. It does not have to be perfect since this will be going under your flower.
Using my hot glue gun I added a dollop of glue to the center and placed my stem right in the middle of the glue. Held it straight and still until the glue dried hard.
Once the glue was dried I folded the circle to be able to place the flower inside.
I added another dollop of hot glue in the center and firmly pressed the flower on to the glue. Make as many flowers as you want to fill your flower bouquet.
Because I wanted my flowers to lay in a specific way, I went ahead and taped the flower stems together so they would not move.
And that’s it place in your vase with a stem or on the table with no stem and display your talent.
If you want to see how I gave my old glass vase a new look keep reading.
Staying on theme with Dia de los Muertos being this week (check out some more Dia de los Muertos crafts here). I decided to use these beautiful napkins I found at Walmart for only .98¢.
Old glass vase
Mod Podge
Paint brush
Glitter (Optional)
I started by cutting out the shapes that I would be using to decoupage my vase. Because the napkins I bought from Walmart were 2-ply I removed one of the layers to have the design as thin as possible when decoupaging my vase.
Pro Tip: I would recommend cutting out the shape first before removing the 2-ply because it is a lot easier to cut the shapes with a thicker napkin rather than trying to cut it when it is thin.
Once I had all my candy skulls cut out I went ahead and painted a thin layer of mod podge onto my vase and carefully placed my first candy skull.
Because my vase was round my design was not able to lay flat but I simply used my fingers and CAREFULLY flattened out. Be careful not to rip the napkins when using your fingers.
I continued this pattern all the way around and also added some flowers from the same napkin in between the skulls to add more color and design.
After my mod podge was completely dried I went ahead and added mod podge only to the section where I would be adding glitter. This part is optional you could also cover the whole vase in just the napkin decor but I love me some glitter.
I continued to add glitter until I covered the entire bottom of my vase. Once that was dried I went ahead and put a final layer of mod podge all over the vase to hold the glitter and entire design in place.
I added some tea lights inside and added my flowers and that’s it.
I love how this vase turned out and I will definitely be giving more vases a new look with napkins. Let me know in the comments below if you have ever decoupaged with napkins before?
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